International Exhibition of Broadcast Equipment takes place annually in Georgia. Leading manufacturers of broadcast equipment (SONY, Panasonic, Canon, Fujifilm, Ross Video, etc.) are participating in the exhibition, which attracts visitors from all over the world.
In scope of International Exhibition of Broadcast Equipment, well-known companies from telecommunication field are representing the latest generation of devices. Each stand of the companies display wide range of optics and accessories for television, digital and cinema markets.
Furthermore, representatives of leading equipment manufacturers will hold presentations and workshops on topical issues for free of charge.
Similar Exhibitions of Broadcast Equipment are taking place in Amsterdam and Las Vegas. It is noteworthy, that these events have huge economic benefits for above mentioned cities, thousands of people arriving to attend specifically these events that makes those cities even more popular tourist destination.
International Exhibition of Broadcast Equipment supports not only development of media communications, movie and television fields, also development of the country and raises its awareness. International Exhibition of Broadcast Equipment is an unprecedented event for the region, for Georgia it’s one more step to become technological center of Caucasian region.
International Exhibition of Broadcast Equipment will officially open its doors on September 27. The closing ceremony will be held on September 28.
Tbilisi Media is the only platform in the region, where you can meet the decision-makers of the Caucasus region. The exhibition gives you the time and opportunity to acquaint yourself with equipment manufacturing companies and potential clients.